Wealth Screening
The Fitz Team offers professional wealth screening services to assist nonprofits in identifying their top donors. We utilize WealthEngine to conduct our initial screen of your current donors and then conduct an analysis of the screening results along with the donor’s giving history to your organization. The Fitz Team will develop a prioritized list of donors and provide recommendations of which donors to cultivate and solicit for an upgraded gift, a planned gift, a major gift and/or a capital gift. Additionally, we identify individuals who could be potential members of the Board of Director of the Board Development Committee and those donors who can make introductions to new potential donors. The Fitz Team will conduct further research on your top 20 major donors utilizing wealth research tools like Lexis Nexis, iWave, WealthX, Foundation Center, Edgar SEC Search (public business filings), New York Times digital, and RELSCI (maps relationships and affiliations). The goal is to create in-depth, detailed donor profiles for your top 20 major donors that include personalized cultivation and solicitation recommendations including suggested solicitation amount.